It's a flurry of activity as Warren Jeffs the leader of the FLDS church (the fundamentalist mormons, some of which are polygamists) issued a statement from prison to his members. Since then there has been interviewing followed by mass-exodusing in the cities of Colorado City, AZ and Hildale, UT. It's a tough time for the members of the FLDS church. Should they stay or should they go?
Please see the Temples and Brothels facebook page for actual news clips.
I have been in contact with Tonia Tewell. She is the founder of Holding out HELP in Utah. They help polygs fleeing their homes and community. She's the one in the FOX news clip I posted on the FB page. If you live in the area, your help may be needed.
Please also check out, Sons of Perdition, a documentary film about 3 FLDS boys who fleed Colorado City. The movie came out in 2010.